Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Automatic Biogas Flare supplied to PT Dwijaya Selars, Indonesia.

Combustion Research Associates successfully delivered PT Dwijaya Selars, Indonesia an Automatic Biogas Flare System. We designed, manufactured and commissioned this flare system and met our customer’s specific requirement. Our expertise allows us to customize all our systems to meet the requirements of our clients and the project.

Biogas Flaring systems are installed at Landfills, Wastewater facilities, Digesters etc. to dispose off waste gases such as Landfill gas (LFG), Biogas, Syn gas, Producer gas, Sewage gas and Agricultural or Industrial Digester gas that are formed due to the anaerobic decomposition of biomass and organic matter. Combustion Research Associates manufactures both Enclosed Ground Flares and Open and Elevated Flare stacks (Candlestick) to dispose off Biogas & Landfill gas.

This Flare System was supplied on June – 2014.

Specification of the installed system is as follows:

System            :           Automatic Flare System

Capacity          :           50 Cu. Mtr./ Hr.

Medium           :           Biogas

Purpose          :           Flaring of Biogas

Update: The system is working perfectly without any issues. Client is satisfied with our quality service as we continue to highly focus on customer service and satisfaction.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Open Flaring System for Natural Gas delivered to Larson & Toubro Hydrocarbon Engineering at ONGC's SBHT site in record time.

Combustion Research Associates successfully delivered L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering a Natural Gas open flaring system. We designed, manufactured and commissioned this project in a record time of less than 3 months, and met our customers urgent requirement smoothly.

CRA designs and manufactures an extensive range of Open & Elevated Flaring Systems that offer smokeless and non-smokeless capabilities, high efficiency, safety and reliability. Our engineering prowess allows us to cater to the demands of different industries such as Natural Gas Production and Compression, LNG, Petrochemical, Pharmaceutical, Pulp and Paper, Food processing, Petroleum refining, Chemical Processing and Onshore application.

The site is at ONGC’s SBHT Project (Umbhrat Beach, Gujarat) with capacity 5000 Cu. Mtr./ Hr.

This Flare System was supplied on 27-April-2015.
Specification of the installed System is as follows:
System            :           Open Flare System
Capacity         :           5000 Cu. Mtr./ Hr.
Medium          :           Natural Gas
Purpose          :           Flaring of internally generated Natural Gas

Update: The system is working flawlessly. The client is highly satisfied with our timely and quality service in this project as we continue to highly prioritise customer service and satisfaction.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Enclosed Flare system supplied to Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre & Network, Ethiopia for the flaring of Biogas

Combustion Research Associates successfully designed, manufactured & commissioned an Enclosed Flaring System for one of the principal universities located near Ethiopia. 

A refractory (Ceramic Fiber Insulation) lined combustor stack in our Enclosed flaring systems allows for operation in plants with proximity to crowded areas, processing equipment, environmentally sensitive areas or where the potential of complaints exists from the surrounding community. With over 99% destructive efficiency, our thermal combustors work effectively towards reducing operating costs and emissions.

Our completely customised and tailored solution for Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre & Network, Ethiopia was an Enclosed Flare System with capacity 1500 N Cu. Mtr./ Hr.

This Flare System was supplied on July – 2013.
Specifications of the installed System are as follows:
System            :           Enclosed Flare System
Capacity          :           1500 N Cu. Mtr./ Hr.
Medium           :           Landfill Gas
Purpose          :           Flaring of Landfill Gas

Update: The system is satisfactorily in operation.